Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Lima Airport- A Rent Free Housing Solution

We spent the night here in the Lima, Peru Airport. Cold. Most of the group is still sleeping on and off. I think we range from about 2 hours of sleep up to Taylor who is still sleeping and approaching 8 or 9 hours, I think.

I talked to a Copa Airlines official this morning (a partner with United) and he told me that our situation is "very bad". Because we have no future tickets to leave Lima, Copa cannot help us unless we buy more tickets. I will talk to the United person when they are in. The Copa man thought 9am would be the time to start trying. United is the only airline that can get us out of Lima without spending $20,000 or more. It all seems a bit crazy to me.

We are officially no longer trying to get to Bolivia. Vi Leinbach spent 8 or 9 hours on hold and talking to United last night in Kansas trying to figure something out. I believe we can get 1 seat on July 22 and 2 on July 24. For God reasons that are still unclear to me, this is no longer a Bolivia Trip. We will start working toward some other possible opportunities.

The first goal is to get out of Peru. We are hoping that will happen on an 1145pm flight to Houston tonight. We will know more after we hopefully talk to a United rep. As for today, we will continue to wait. And continue to listen to the things God is speaking to each of us and all of us. He is good!

Please continue to pray. I will hope to update again later this morning.


  1. I LOVE airports! but not as much as I hope you guys love them... I'm praying for you all... make the best of it:-)

  2. You guys are like Tom Hanks in "The Terminal!" Are you eating crackers with mustard? --Carol M.
