We are back from Samaipata and had an awesome time relaxing and seeing the Incan ruins. No pictures for tonight, but a few prayer requests for our last 24 hours:
1. This week has certainly been full of God sightings and encounters. Pray that we would bring those home with us and not leave them in Bolivia.
2. We had an incredibly intense and honest conversation about what it means to live in America with lots of "stuff" while we see the poverty in Bolivia. Pray that the Holy Spirit would be at work in students heart as they continue to wrestle with what it means for their own life.
3. We will be going to the airport at 10:30 tomorrow night and will have to navigate part of the airport without our translator as he is staying in South America for a few more weeks. Michael Rogers will be our unofficial translator. Pray for him!
4. We will be traveling for 24 hours getting back to South Hutch sometime between 11 and midnight on Monday. I am tired and will be more tired by the time that drive comes around. Pray that I am alert and that we don't have any problems during our travels.
5. We still have all day tomorrow to experience! We are going to church in La Tejeria and I think God has awesome things waiting there for us. Pray that we can be fully present here tomorrow and jump full into everything God has for us!
Maybe an update tomorrow before we leave for the airport. Thanks for the prayers and for following along with us!
Blessings to you as you travel! You shouldn't have any trouble in the airport. If I can do it, you guys can surely do it!! Talked to some of your parents this morning and they are very anxious to see you :) We can't wait to hear more stories.